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Silently install ArcGIS Notebook Server

You can install and authorize ArcGIS Notebook Server using command line parameters, as opposed to using the installation wizard.


The installation mode that you choose determines the default uninstallation mode. For example, if you choose to install silently from the command line, the uninstallation defaults to uninstalling silently from the command line.

Before installing ArcGIS Notebook Server, review the system requirements.


Command line parameters are case sensitive. If you have trouble getting your installation to work, confirm the case matches each property as shown in the code examples below.

Prepare to install ArcGIS Notebook Server

Before proceeding with the installation, complete these steps.

  1. Sign in to My Esri and obtain the necessary files. You need the following:
    • Your ArcGIS Notebook Server software download.
    • Your authorization file.
    • One or both Docker container images, depending on your license. These container images contain all of the components needed for ArcGIS Notebooks to run. To learn more, see Docker and ArcGIS Notebook Server.
  2. Verify that each machine on which you'll install ArcGIS Notebook Server meets the system requirements.
  3. Modify the firewall of each machine to allow communication on port 11443, which ArcGIS Notebook Server uses.

Specify the installation location

By default, ArcGIS Notebook Server is installed at C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\NotebookServer\.

Use the INSTALLDIR property to change the installation location for ArcGIS Notebook Server from this default location, if desired. If you do not run this command, the default location is used.

<setup directory>\setup.exe /qb INSTALLDIR=C:\NotebookServer

Make sure the user has full permissions to the ArcGIS Notebook Server installation directory. The user account used to install ArcGIS Notebook Server is the account used to run the software.

Configure the Windows account

The ArcGIS Notebook Server account must be configured when the software is installed silently. For production systems, it is recommended that you designate a preexisting account that resides in your domain or Active Directory and follows your organization's security policy.

If command line parameters are not used to configure the ArcGIS Notebook Server account during silent installations, the account is set to the Local System account.

Use the following command line parameters to configure the account.

Pass account credentials directly


If the ArcGIS Notebook Server account is not defined during a silent (/qb) installation, or the credentials are not valid, the setup displays a warning message during installation. The message can be closed by clicking OK. The ArcGIS Notebook Server account is set to the Local System account.

  • USER_NAME—The Windows account can be a domain account or a local account. If you specify a domain account, it must already exist. If you specify a local account that does not yet exist, the setup creates the account. If the account is not valid, a message appears during installation indicating so.
  • PASSWORD—If this password is not valid, a message appears during installation indicating that either the account or the password is invalid.

The following code example demonstrates using a domain account:

<setup directory>\setup.exe /qb USER_NAME=mydomain\mydomainaccount PASSWORD=my.password1

The following code example demonstrates using a new or existing local account:

<setup directory>\setup.exe /qb USER_NAME=myaccount PASSWORD=my.password1

Import account credentials from a file

You can also use a server configuration file to import your Windows account credentials. Server configuration files can be exported during ArcGIS Notebook Server installation and used in future installations. To import credentials from an existing server configuration file, set the following two parameters:

  • ACCOUNT—If you're importing credentials from a file, set this parameter to UseConfigFile (matching the case exactly). There are no other valid values for this parameter.
  • CONFIGPATH—Specify the full path and name of the server configuration file you are using.
<setup directory>\setup.exe /qb ACCOUNT=UseConfigFile CONFIGPATH=\\networkmachine\serverconfigs\standardaccount.xml

Export credentials to a server configuration file

You can export the account credentials used in the current ArcGIS Notebook Server installation to reuse in a future installation. The server configuration file that is created is an encrypted .xml file.

When exporting a server configuration file to a network share, the Local System account on the machine where ArcGIS Notebook Server is being installed must have write permissions to the network share. For example, if you're installing ArcGIS Notebook Server on a machine named Turing, the Local System account on Turing must have write permission to the network share. If the permissions are not set, the server configuration file may not be exported successfully.


If you are unsure how to correctly set permissions for the network share, contact your system administrator or export the server configuration file locally and copy it to the network share.

Use the following two command line parameters to export ArcGIS Notebook Server account credentials to a server configuration file:

  • EXPORTCONFIG—Set this parameter as Yes to export the account information set for the USER_NAME and PASSWORD parameters to a server configuration file. This parameter is set to No by default.
  • CONFIGPATH—Specify the full path and name of the server configuration file you want to create, including the file extension .xml. The specified folder must already exist.

Authorize your software silently

If you did not authorize your software during installation, run SoftwareAuthorization.exe with the following syntax to authorize ArcGIS Notebook Server silently. You must have all user information complete in the authorization or provisioning file before running the file.

If you have an authorization file and your machine is connected to the internet:

<ArcGIS Notebook Server install directory>\framework\bin\SoftwareAuthorization.exe /S /Ver 10.8 /LIF <full path and name of authorization file>

Authorize in a disconnected environment

You can authorize ArcGIS Notebook Server in a disconnected environment using a provisioning (.prvc) file. During the process, a file is generated for you to send to Esri to complete the process.

  1. At the prompt, run the command provided below after ArcGIS Notebook Server installation is complete:

    <ArcGIS Notebook Server install directory>\framework\bin\SoftwareAuthorization.exe /F <full path to the .prvc file> /O <full path to authorization file output>

  2. When the output information file has been created, do one of the following:
    • Browse to the Esri customer service website at Follow the instructions on the screen to upload your authorization information file and download your .ecp authorization file.
    • Send your authorization information file by email to [email protected]. Esri will send your .ecp authorization file back to you in an email.
  3. When you have received your .ecp authorization file using either above method, run the authorizeSoftware script again to process it and complete the server authorization process:

    <ArcGIS Notebook Server install directory>\framework\bin\SoftwareAuthorization.exe /F <full path to the .ecp file>

Repeat this workflow for each machine on which you want to install ArcGIS Notebook Server.

After installing all software, configure ArcGIS Notebook Server and then create your server site. There is an option to create the site via the createsite command line utility.

Silently uninstall the software

To uninstall ArcGIS Notebook Server silently from the command line, run the following command:

msiexec /x {B1DB581E-E66C-4E58-B9E3-50A4D6CB5982} /qb