Description: The Polling Place feature class shows the Election polling places for each of the 29 Voting Precincts in Bedford County, VA. The Polling Places were redone in spring, 2011, during the Redistricting process following the 2010 US Census. The Polling Places were amended after Redistricting in preparation for the City of Bedford reversion to Town of Bedford in July,2013.
Description: The Voting Precinct feature class displays the voting precinct boundaries for Bedford County, VA, following the 2013 Redistricting process.
Copyright Text: Source data for this feature class is from the 2011 USGS TIGER file data of Census blocks for both Bedford County, VA and the Town of Bedford, VA.
Description: Local Election Districts for Bedford County, VA. Includes Town of Bedford, VA. Based on the Redistricting process of 2013, which was necessary after City of Bedford reverted to Town of Bedford and became incoporated into Bedford County, VA.
Copyright Text: Source data for this feature class is from the 2011 USGS TIGER file data of Census blocks for both Bedford County, VA and the Town of Bedford, VA.
Description: County GIS staff downloaded this data from the Virginia Department of Legislative Services following the 2010 Redistricting process. The dataset contained no metadata.