Description: Boundary limits originate from USGS data as well as tax map data. The Boundary between Bedford County and Bedford City was changed in July, 2013 by County GIS staff, after the reversion of Bedford City to Town status. GIS Staff made these changes based on parcel data being exchanged from the County to the Town of Bedford per Reversion agreement.
Description: The roads feature class shows the centerline of all primary, secondary, and private roads within the County and City of Bedford, VA. Some roads outside the County boundary are included to assist in dispatching emergency personnel.
Description: The roads feature class shows the centerline of all primary, secondary, and private roads within the County and City of Bedford, VA. Some roads outside the County boundary are included to assist in dispatching emergency personnel.
Description: County GIS Staff created the NoDogsArea feature class after request from County Administration to show these areas on the County GIS web mapping application. GIS staff outlined existing subdivisions to create the original feature class in 2004, and has added subdivisions since this time based on additional ordinances approved by the County Board of Supervisors.
Copyright Text: The information presented by Bedford County is intended to serve only as a reference for the locations of the No Dogs Running at Large areas within Bedford County, VA. Bedford County takes no legal responsibility for its accuracy. Users are encouraged to submit comments regarding the information to the Bedford County GIS Department.
Description: The Voting Precinct feature class displays the voting precinct boundaries for Bedford County, VA, following the 2013 Redistricting process.
Copyright Text: Source data for this feature class is from the 2011 USGS TIGER file data of Census blocks for both Bedford County, VA and the Town of Bedford, VA.
Description: County GIS staff downloaded this data from the Virginia Department of Legislative Services following the 2010 Redistricting process. The dataset contained no metadata.
Description: Voting Districts were first produced in GIS format during the 2001 Redistricting process, by County GIS staff. Following the 2010 Census, boundaries were redrawn. An additional Redistricting process was necessary following the July, 2013 Reversion agreement between Bedford County and the City(now Town) of Bedford). The Town's administrative boundary was redrawn, and the Voting Districts were redrawn to incorporate Town of Bedford citizens who, upon Reversion, became citizens of the County and would now participate in County elections.
Copyright Text: Source data for this feature class is from the 2011 USGS TIGER file data of Census blocks for both Bedford County, VA and the Town of Bedford, VA.